New Job

Congrats Arthur!! I guess the interview went well then :slight_smile:

July will be here before you know it. Enjoy some time off before gearing up for training. You deserve it!


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Congrats and welcome to Frontier! Best of luck during training. You will enjoy it here.

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Thank you! I can’t wait to start.

Thank you!

Will do! Thank you

I did my ATP-CTP course in the A320 simulator and loved that little tease. I can’t wait to dive deeper in to it and really fly it.


Sorry I’m late to the party, big congrats on Frontier (F9)! If I’m still around and you’re ever flying into TTN for any reason, ping me up, I’m always at the training center; Great restaurants/cafe around the area.


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Will do! Thank you!

First two days of IOE are complete. The Airbus is an amazing airplane to fly. So smooth!



Congratulations and thank you for the pictures!

Now you might have opened a Pandora’s box of Boeing v. Airbus debate…


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Nothing to debate.

While I’m very happy for Arthur, the fact is Airbus was designed by engineers and their “philosophy” is to minimize pilot error with “protections” (aka The Laws) with a system that allows the pilot to make “requests” to the computers through “imput devices”.

Personally I prefer flying AIRPLANES :wink:



HA! I’m not entering the debate with guys that have flown both like y’all. :wink: However, I wouldn’t mind a chance at a Boeing product for comparison’s sake. Comparing Airbus to the business jets I was flying before, its hands down an amazing airplane.

That’s because the packs also emit trace amounts of Airbus Kool-Aid!

Don’t believe the hype! Fifi is EVIL! :smiling_imp:



I also think it’s time to revive this one :grinning:




That’s hilarious!

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Congrats Arthur! Another type is another type! Enjoy being the newest “bus driver”. :slight_smile:



I was at the ATP Alumni gathering at the Delta Air Museum this week and saw a lot of familiar faces that I once met throughout my training time that are now at Frontier. They have nothing but good things to say about F9. I love how they have all different kinds of animals on their paint schemes, and names. It was always a game when I was at Trenton teaching to how many of their fleet could I mark off the list. Enjoy!!


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What an amazing journey this has been. Going back through this thread all the way to 2017 there were so many ups and downs but I definitely wouldn’t change a thing.

Over the past few months I decided to take advantage of this hiring wave and was invited to take the online assessment with Delta, and interviewed with United and American Airlines. I was flying so much I actually forgot to complete Delta’s assessment in the time they allotted and did not advance in their process. :man_facepalming:t2:

In January I flew out to Denver and interviewed with United and was given a conditional job offer. While I was super excited to work for a legacy I was not excited about being a career commuter since I do not live in a United base. I was able to speak with one of the mentors here (I won’t name drop so they don’t get bombarded with requests) at length over the phone and walked through the pros and cons. I only got more excited and couldn’t wait for my class date with United on 4/4.

Unexpectedly towards the end of February I was contacted by an American Airlines recruiter. I live in the DFW area which is a major hub for all of AA’s fleets and knew I had to give this opportunity a shot. American was the airline I dreamed about when I took my first intro flight at ATP in October 2015.

I interviewed on March 7th, one week after the recruiter initially called me. It was about a three hour process at AA’s training campus and the C.R. Smith Museum. On March 9th I received the congratulations and welcome aboard email from AA.

Reading the email put me in such shock I was weak in the knees. I was just accepted into the airline I had dreamed about for eight years. WHAT A DAY!

My wife and I managed to keep the news a secret from our kiddos until the following Saturday. We told them the news by taking them to the C.R. Smith museum and gave them the job offer to read while standing next to the DC-3 where I had my panel interview a few days earlier. What cool way to share the news.

I really enjoyed my time at Frontier and don’t regret one second of my time there. Last week I submitted my two week notice and yesterday I turned in my company owned items. For now it’s time to spend quality time with my wife and kids as I wait for my start date (4/12) at American.

While I’m not one of the sites mentors I do lurk and chime in from time to time when I get the automated email showing me the latest topic updates. I wish you all great success in this career if you so chose it. You never know what path it’ll take you down.


Major congrats Arthur!

It most certainly has been quite a journey for you but it sounds like you’ve ended up exactly where you should be.

Enjoy it!


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Congratulations! AA is a great airline to work for and I am sure you will enjoy it. Thank you for updating us on your career, it is great to read success stories like this.

Any idea which airplane you will be assigned to?


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