Instructors moving to W2 Employee vs Independent Contractor Status

I’ve been seeing and hearing a fair amount of scuttlebutt regarding ATP instructors being moved to W2 employees rather than 1099 independent contractors as they were previously - I’m curious if there is any further information on this?
I also just saw a memo indicating that ATP instructors must meet a minimum flight hour quota per quarter - While I don’t think that these numbers are unreasonable, and everyone wants to build their time, I just found it to be a bit surprising…

Looking forward to any responses or news!



This is the first I have heard of this. I will do some research and report back.


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First I’ve seen as well. The mins seem more than reasonable and if some are slacking they should be let go for pilots who appreciate the opportunity.


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This is a big change… seems to me like a win win though. This helps students stay on time in the program and helps ensure instructors stay proficient and continue to build time efficiently. So that’s a minimum of 50 hours for the slower “winter” months and 66 hours per month for the others.

Thanks for sharing!!


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I definitely don’t feel like the hours are unachievable depending on seasons, weather, etc. I think it is probably a good thing, but I’m not an instructor so just wanted to hear opinions. I appreciate all your feedback!

I guess, regarding the W-2 Status, it seems as though it is only in place in Arizona for now, and hearing from CFI who just left, he said employees will be W-2 with benefits and earn a base rate of 15 hours a week for grounds/pre-flight/briefings/additional administrative stuff. I’m curious what the pay-rate is based off, I’d imagine the $17.25 per hour ground rate listed on the website but I have no idea :man_shrugging:

Not sure if you guys are able to find any more hard data, I would love to see some official documentation as I still haven’t seen ANYTHING official…

Following this topic… this is news to me.

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