Did the ATP Housing website change?

Hey everyone, my name is Evan I am about to start ATP at the Jacksonville (KCRG) location on July 1st, and was looking for an apartment close to the airport to room with other students. I remember the ATP website used to list a housing forum for students to find roommates. Within the last two weeks it looks like they have changed their only housing website to a travel nursing company (furnishedfinder.com). Is there a reason they don’t let people access the housing forum anymore? If anyone would like to try and get an apartment around summertime in Jacksonville please let me know.


I am not fully sure why, but I do know that the housing website has been discontinued.



Interesting, this is news to me, thanks for this… we haven’t had anyone mention housing in a while. I just heard of that sight yesterday at breakfast with one of my hometown buddies, he rents a room out at his place.
