The good, the bad, the funny flying stories

Hi everyone,
I’m new to this forum, just to introduce myself I’m a 27 year old student pilot getting prepared to get my checkride, then after make my way to ATP.
I’m wondering if anyone has any good flight stories? I always have an fun time learning from different pilots stories and experiences.

If you browse the forum long enough, you’ll find some good stories. Flying the Line, Student Experiences, Schedules.

I’ve been sitting jumpseat all month observing flight crews. Nothing out of the ordinary. The biggest takeaway from the experience is don’t get complacent. It’s easy to do. It sneaks up on you. Everyone is susceptible. Don’t let it happen.

That and read your manuals! All of them. Anything that applies to the operation. Don’t just ”kind of” know them. Really “know know” them. If you don’t know what your duties and responsibilities are, how will you know how well you’re managing the operation?

This applies to someone at your level too. All levels really. But since you’re training, put yourself in the Examiner’s shoes. Their job is to observe that you operate within specified standards as defined by the ACS. You should know what those standards are. As you should also know your airplane and your flight school’s SOP.


Never haha, complacency is the death of a passion. I’m a firm believer that if you want something bad enough you’ll go where you want to go with hard work.
To me knowing everything about your aircraft is amazingly important. Flying an airplane is an amazing experience but if something goes wrong you better know your plane. Although I think I’m preaching to the choir when I say this too.

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Yes. Invaluable experience.


Praise be LOSA. \○/


Check out the “Flying the Line” section, there are some pretty interesting stories there.
