Studying for written exams

What are you guys suggestions for studying for written? I’ve been taken the practice exams on study buddy, however me being new this, all the information is some what like a foreign language. If possible please share your thoughts and ideas on studying and prepping for the written exams. Thanks!! :slight_smile:

P.S I forgot to mention that I haven’t received my training bundle yet either, maybe that will help. lol


You should get your stuff soon. Check out this thread Knowledge Exams


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I am a little old fashioned on this, but I really like to learn the information and process it. It takes a lot longer this way, but I find it to be beneficial. I used John and Martha King’s video series, you can buy it straight from their website, or for much less on Ebay. I wouldn’t worry about which version you get, the information hasn’t changed that much.

I find their video series to be very informative and actually a bit entertaining.


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I second Chris. Watched that whole series on a YouTube channel (it got taken down :expressionless:) and it really helps to actually learn the material.

Great I just purchased the video series!! Hopefully after getting the basics down the other stuff (instrument, commercial, and etc…) will become easier…


As you go through the writtens they will become easier. Right now you are starting from scratch, with no foundation whatsoever. As you built your knowledge base you will find that each new step is much easier to take.


Once again Chris is killing it. The private and instrument should be your building blocks. Study a lot for those and learn them inside out, and like he said, the rest will be a lot easier to manage as they branch off from the main topics you learn in the beginning. And then when you’re finished with the writtens, start studying it to stay “current” and you’ll learn a lot of things you may have glanced over in the beginning.

Hey guys, so I need a little bit reinforcement that I’m doing the right thing here. Sorry to hijack the thread, didn’t want to start a whole new one.

My start date July 3rd. I already have all the material and have 33 out of the 63 modules of Intro to private pilot completed and will have at least another half of the remaining done by Sunday. These are prerequisite to have them done before start date. I also paid for the sporty’s app for the private pilot written prep, but given that I am still working it has become a little challenging trying to juggle and complete both. so right now I am focusing on finishing the modules as It seems that they have information pertaining to the written exam. I am studying during breaks and lunch breaks, early in the morning I get at least 45 minutes early to work and study, after work, when I get home, at kids soccer practice. Any other ways or methods anyone would suggest to tackle this?


Currently what I’m doing (since my start date is July 17th) I’m knocking out the written first as they both goes hand and hand with the intro to private pilot.


It sounds like you are doing all you can to study every available moment. I would focus on completing the modules, then work on the written exam. You still have a long way to go until July 3rd, so you should be fine.


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well here I am reporting back that I passed my PAR written yesterday! I had a couple of misses but not too shabby. Next step, instrument test!

Congratulations, that is great news!

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