Question regarding Arrest


I am a 25 year old potential student pilot and i would appreciate any honest answers to my question. Thank you

For reference, I have a bachelors degree and graduated near the top of my class.

3 years ago, I was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. It was in self defense and I was never charged with any crime. Do any of you feel like this is something that can affect my career if I wanted to eventually be hired by a major? I read a bit about this topic in the FAQ but I figured I’d ask about this specific situation before spending thousands of dollars and years on training if something like this could could possibly hinder a career in this field.


As it says in the FAQs there is no manual or rule book that says “this is ok, this is not”. If in fact this was your only arrest, there was no charge or conviction and the rest of your record is clean, you “should” be ok. That said as always there are no guarantees and depending on who’s on your interview panel if/when the time comes may determine how big a problem this is or not.



If that is truly your only issue, then you should be fine. Just make sure to keep your record clean. I would also consult the recruiting departments of several regionals and ask them.
