More info on how i should starting on airlane commercial pilots

I decided to follow the airlane pilots career path, and im 20 almost 21, i cant go the college, i’m immigrated here but no destinations on life right now and working on a part time job but i have made a research about this career path and got interested also really like traveling. So
Please help and tell me on infomation , where should i started? What i need to do to apply for flight school…etc… thank you so much.


First and foremost before you can do any flight training in the US you need a TSA background check. You also need to know that you cannot work as a pilot in the US unless you’re a citizen or have Resident status. After that it’s a matter of choosing a flight school but also know to fly for a Major you will need a college degree.


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Yes sir, im resident here i can take the citizen test if needs to, but what kind of college degree like for flight school college degree?


Well then you’re fine but if you’re not a citizen you still need to get the TSA background test. The airlines don’t care the field of study they simply want a 4yr degree. Study something you enjoy and do well. Then you can focus on flight training.


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Oh okay, so if i cant get the 4 years college degree i cant be the airlane pilots??? but the hardest here are u know college is not everybody . To be honest, im not really good at studying? Ive failed the administration test to enroll in college thats why i have been looking at airplane pilot career and got intertested.!!! Thats bad.


You need a 4yr degree to fly for a Major, the Regionals will hire you without. On a MUCH more important note you say “I’m really not good at studying”. Are you under the impression that an airline is simply going to hand over the keys to a $100mil jet and you’re going to get to go fly? Aviation requires ALOT of studying and most find the book work considerably more challenging than most college classes. You might want to give this some thought.



Okay, since you said that, i will try my best to tske the test again if i am gonna pass i might take some simply a 4yewr degree, something that not very complicated, for ex,healthy or fitness…etc… and will figure it out from there , but thank you for your suggestions.


Welcome to the forums and thanks for your question. To be a pilot in the US, you need to be able to clearly read, write and speak the English language. Based off of your writing, you are not quite to the level that you need to be. I would recommend that you take some English as a second language classes as that will help you meet the criteria and also help you do better in your training.


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Okay, i will , thank you sir