Medical before introduction flight?


Currently planning on signing up for a start date in mid August (2019). I am wondering if it is required to obtain my 1st class medical before my introductory flight? I am currently in Alaska and am planning on traveling to Phoenix for the introductory flight in April.


Not sure what ATP requires, but every flight school I’ve ever heard of never requires a medical before a discovery flight. A discovery flight is essentially an experience to see if you actually want to pursue flying and then if you do, you will pay for the medical, supplies, etc.


On ATP’s website, they list obtaining the medical as the first thing to do, so I would do it that way.


Yes I did see that. The thing is, is that my available time to travel down to do the introductory flight is in April and I’m I’m planning on my start date being in August. I just don’t want to worry about having to renew my medical while still finishing the program since they are only valid for one year. Do you see what I’m trying to say?


Yes, I do see your point, but you will need to get used to renewing medicals while doing other things, it is going to be a fact of life from now until you retire and when you turn 40, it will be every six months.



I hear ya. Thanks again for the input!

Anytime, let us know how else we can help you.


I don’t want to dispute Chris but I’m reasonably certain if you call ATP and tell them you plan on getting your Medical after your Intro they’ll say ok. I’d ask.


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I took my Intro flight with ATP back towards the end of October and didn’t even have my appointment scheduled for my 1st class medical exam when I went up. I followed up and got my medical within a few days after, but that was to be able to lock in a start date. Hope this helps some.


I just did my Intro-flight last week without having my medical done. Had it done yesterday.

Hello, I haven’t seen or came across this yet, if I did I’m sorry. Is there a restriction for vision for atp school? Or even going to commercial? I wear contact lens or glasses. Will this be a problem?


ATP requires you to get a First Class medical and obtaining a First Class medical means your vision must be correctable to 20/20. Glasses/contacts are fine as long as they can get you there.



As long as you can be corrected to 20/20 with glasses or contacts, you will not have an issue. I have worn glasses almost my entire career.


Thank you for all your help!