Airman License Limitations

Does anyone know if the limitation “Holder shall wear corrective lenses” requires the pilot to wear glasses the entire time they are flying? I only wear them at night and prefer not to wear them and seldom when flying. I suppose I would have to wear them for a checkride. My last CFI said just to make sure I have them with me when flying.


I have this same restriction on my medical. FAA restrictions are not open to discussion or interpretation, it means that you need to wear corrective lenses anytime you fly. I bet you will find that if you do this, you will become accustomed to the better vision.


That’s what I thought. Rules are rules. Thanks Chris.

When you fly airplanes that have a 1,100 mph closure rate you might come to really appreciate those glasses.

FYI, most airlines will require you to carry a backup pair of glasses with you at all times.


Do airlines require you to carry an extra pair of glasses regardless of if you have contacts or not?


My airline requires pilots to carry a spare set of corrective lenses, meaning that a spare set of contacts will suffice.


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That’s makes sense! Thank you.


Mine actually requires an actual pair of glasses. I believe the thought is if you should somehow lose a contact you can get the glasses on faster?


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